A tormented monster and a disgraced cop have to team up with one another to save a young girl from a fate worse than death…or kill each other trying.
Vickrum Slate
The highly intelligent yet undeniably pretentious Dr. Vickrum Slate was considered to be the best chance humanity had at curing the undead blight. The only thing he loves as much as scientific discovery is his daughter, Sumrien. Damned by his own hubris and home-made serum, Slate ends up being the most evolved zombie to roam the post-post apocalypse. Despite his brainy exposition, he’s also highly athletic and weaves a lot free-running into his combat.
Marlon Ashe
Born in the shadow of the legendary Ashe family, this 5’9, smart-ass, is as much an outlaw as he is a freedom fighter. Ashe isn’t the likely guy to choose to be the last man standing in a fight yet has a reputation for doing just that. He’s a scrappy ballistics expert with balls, brains and at least a trick up his sleeve. He may not always do the right thing the right way but he’ll always get it done somehow